What’s Going on in Tuscany this Christmas?

There are a variety of things to see and do in Tuscany all year round, but the festive season in this part of Italy is one time of year that you’re sure to not want to miss.

From stunning decorations to outstanding food, many would agree that it’s one of the best places to experience the magic of Christmas; especially for those who are looking for something a little different from what they’re used to.

What to do for Christmas in Tuscany

There’s a wide range of festive activities and events going on, but here are just a few of the things that you may want to check out during your stay:

Christmas events

Many of the small towns in Tuscany will have a number of events set up specifically for this time of year; from food festivals, to concerts. While there are plenty of these types of functions held here throughout the year, there is something truly spectacular about the atmosphere of Christmas that draws more and more visitors each year.

Most towns will have a variety of festivities celebrating the arrival of Santa Claus (or Babbo Natale, as the Italians call him), so be sure to take a look at what’s on offer. A few towns you may want to visit for their unique ambience during the holidays include Florence, Pistoia and Siena.

Christmas markets

While there may be countless original Christmas markets in northern Italy, you may find that some of the most attractive options are found in towns throughout Tuscany.

There are of course numerous stores that you could shop at to get that festive feeling, but most find that nothing compares to visiting a traditional local market when it comes to the overall magical experience of the season. Whether you’re looking for some unique Christmas gifts, or want to try some Vin brulé (a delicious spiced, warm wine) and roasted chestnuts; be sure to take a look around at least one of the several delightful markets in the region.

The New Year

If you plan to stay for the New Year, you’re sure to be in for a treat too; there are plenty of other events celebrating the end of the year and the one beginning. Most towns will have street festivals for locals and tourists alike to enjoy; complete with great food, music, dancing and more.

More than just Christmas

While there may be plenty of things you can do here in this stunning region during the holidays, don’t forget that there’s much more to Tuscany than seasonal events. Art, food and culture are just a few of the things that make this location so interesting.

However, it’s no secret that when combined with the festive traditions unique to the region, you’re sure to have an exciting Christmas that you’ll never forget.


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